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Style: Stoner Doom
Status: Operating
Founded in: 2007
Country: Ukraine (Donetsk)
Ilya : A vocal, Guitar, is Key
Ivan : Bass-guitar
Serg : Drums
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 296 | Добавил: redgino | Дата: 09 Октября 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Biography of Monalisa
Group of Monalisa appeared in 2006. Had time to win back on such large festivals as Emmaus, Day birth of the Tver city. Also came forward in such towns as Lower Novgorod, Saint Petersburg, Ростов-на-Don, Tver. Did not forget about Moscow. Composition of group was replaced in 2008. Presently in him is included:

Pershin Dmitry
Dgigurda Alexey
Dobronravov Andrey
Nestavshev Vladimir
Beetmaiker Di.

Began to write span-new material. An album prepares.
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 293 | Добавил: redgino | Дата: 09 Октября 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Group "Poisonous Ivy " appeared in September of 2002th and in primary composition included three primitive biological organisms: Astahov Eugen (AST), Nikitin Maxim (mitch) and Baimyashkin Dmitry (Diman).
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 285 | Добавил: redgino | Дата: 09 Октября 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Эном is the Moscow project playing psychodelic music. A project determines the style of game as eclecticism fate. A group is formed in 2001. Command composition on 2006 г.: Nikita Nikitin (vocal, bass), Pleskevich Andrey (guitars, midi-guitars), Paul Gustov (midi-instruments), Privezentcev Oleg (guitars), Makeev Alexander (drums, percussion).
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 282 | Добавил: redgino | Дата: 09 Октября 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

The Rostov group is «Church of Childhood» is the nearly brightest new structure in Russian rock-underground. Boys play the remarkable psychodelic mixture of punk-rock and chanson, increased on shocking verses and charisma of leader of group.
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 274 | Добавил: redgino | Дата: 09 Октября 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Group is «Хэй Джуд Structure» is joint project of D`usha Glebovich (Aivengo) and group of «Хуго-Уго».
A project appeared in 1991th after disintegration of the first group of D`usha Glebovich «Rowing On Kayaks And Canoes».
In 1991th the first album was writtenin «Dance Together with Us». A few living appearances took place on the festivals of Tolliaty.
In future existence of project carried fragmentary character are albums appeared irregularly, equal as well as appearances.
However in Tolliaty a project was very popular. Albums of go away on hands on audio- cassettes and living appearances always passed at a complete full house.
In 1999 a project halted the existence.
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 363 | Добавил: redgino | Дата: 09 Октября 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Was going 1996 in Karabanovo-Alexandrov city, Vladimirskaya обл. Primordial composition: Butrin, Klimov, Novikov. In such composition wrote down 3 albums. «Indistinct songs about disorder» of 97 «A few glass histories» of 98 «Radio 64» 04 In 2008 EP «Chronicle» went out already without a drummer. A group engaged in the electronic experiments for which is responsible now Nikonov. Music a little changed, but a spirit had remained former.
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 311 | Добавил: redgino | Дата: 09 Октября 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Now in a group:
Nekrasov Vladimir is Vocal, Guitar.
Short history:
2004 years is creation of group of Vova (Vocal) and Cuckoo(Guitar).
2005 year is the first appearance on the festival of «Арт-Платформа» and first place in a nomination the «Best beginning command»
2006 year are deep drunken feast and alcoholism «Making of album».
2007 year is Issue of album «For all and for anybody», prosecution of technique games, changing of composition, deep drunken feast and alcoholism «Making of new album». on October, 16 2007 a head strongly was ill.
In the past:
Maxim (Bass-guitar), Maxim (drums), Kushnir Alexander (guitar), Gnusin Vladimir (drums), Kirilov Vitaly (Bass-guitar), Igor Punch.
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 366 | Добавил: redgino | Дата: 09 Октября 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Raxa is the solo-project of multiinstrumentalist and composer of Levsha (Lefthander), which had time to write down already more than 20 albums with different collectives (Fatal Rampage, Lamia Phantasma, Sea of Desperation, Tenochtitlan, Groves In Mist, Samonios, Riders on the Bones).
Ethno-dum – perhaps, most correct determination for music of Raxa. As well as Tenochtitlan, the personal project of Raxa Alex is devoted to aesthetics of cultural legacy of natives of America, however is done slope a little in other style; a lyric poetry by a musician is not published, as fully based on ancient invocations of Aztecs. Music of Raxa is gap-filling by the ethnic tunes of ancient Aztecs and viscous taste of Mesonic America , this the mixture of very original, if to say not anymore – vanguard, is thought and ethnic ambient.
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 328 | Добавил: redgino | Дата: 09 Октября 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Punk-group of "Shade of Freedom" by birth from Moscow and exists already more than three years. For this time in a command composition and common direction changed once or twice considerably, but in 2006 at last a debut album saw the elephant "Somewhere After Limit", strongly heaving up popularity group on the Moscow and Russian stage.
By basic reference points in the world of music for boys the groups of Bad Religion, Pennywise and No Fun At All served always. In spite of identify success, musicians continue to perfect the level of game and now already very containing self-criticism talk about an album "Somewhere After Limit" is breakwater, now already would and better. And in order to be not unfounded, add, that the prosecution of new plate is already neglected...
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 297 | Добавил: redgino | Дата: 09 Октября 2011 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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