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Главная » 2011 » Октябрь » 9 » Hentai

Hentai - 9 Октября 2011 - Музыкальный блог

A group appeared in Samara in January, 2007, and it conducts history from April, 30 2007 (First concert). To it musicians played in the strange collectives, but these collectives did not give them freely self-actualization, something new was desirable.
Sabbas, Sid and Vadim, is acquainted a long ago already enough are they played together in the group of Plexus Dolores. When a group disintegrated, they had begun to collect new composition. The long searches of shock-worker ended with nothing good. For a half-year changed about six drummers. But, by will of fate, to the telephone of Leha, which and occupied an emptying niche in this collective, got him. Primary composition was such:

Vadim is bass
Sid is guitar
Leha is drums
Savva is vocal.

Something became to turn out, but something yet shortage . Then Vadim from deep-voiced was retrained in a guitarist, DeZeD became a bass-guitarist, and over time a womanish vocal appeared in a group yet and (Tcvetoneba).
We can describe the style as alternative.
At the beginning of April, 2007 a group wrote down first of demo.
Категория: Биографии исполнителей | Просмотров: 277 | Добавил: redgino | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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