Откровения Дождя - 9 Октября 2011 - Музыкальный блог
A group was formed at the end of 2001 year by two participants of group Ocean of Sorrow. Dum-stage in Moscow suburb town Podol`sk never experienced times of bloom, the attempts to find musicians-like-minded persons for the "living" rehearsals therefore undertaken during a few years were not crowned by success. Nevertheless, exactly greater part of material, entering on a debut album "Marble Tones of the Despair" let out on label Solitude Productions, is written with musicians in this period. Musicians do not position it style as absolute doom-death metal, from large temporal variation in writing of different compositions: material turned out very diverse. On September, 11, 2010 on label Solitude Productions saw the elephant new, third on the account of studio-album group, getting the name "Emanation of Hatred". Musicians wanted to do this album more hard, aggressive, dynamic, with more various vocal constituent, that at them with success and turned out.