Group of "Скан-Дал" is the whole command of people: 2 soloists (Svirida (the real name is Ostapenko Natalia) and Sir J (Sviridenko Sergey)), sound producer and producer is Kurilovich Sergey, light-engineer is Stankevich Alexander, assistant of sound producer - J Ramses, makeup is Malahova Natalia, hairdresser-master of style is Baeva Angela, public relationes Manager - Kesha, PJ - Mariya-Theodore, assistants: V.Lyashenko, V.Pastevoy, А.Volnovich... Boys ride on a world with the program DISCO of 80th and not only!!! Svirida and Sir J writes excellent songs such heartfelt and sentimental! And what voices.... Group of "СКАН-ДАЛ" is main "BRAWLERS of WORLD"!!! 10 years training in vaudeville circus school + 3 years in the State academy of leading shots of culture and arts... In the past are soloists of the Kievan music-hall. 10 years toured abroad, worked on the steepest grounds of the USA, Italy, France, Spain etc.... Laureates of plural festivals and competitions, such as "Urmala", "Slavonic market" "Song of year" etc...