After the name of Spinefish one man, young musician of Orel George Pravikov, sister of which, hides only with the project of Sandcastle participated on the first part of Colours Of Black. However, in spite of cognation, creation of Helen and George does not intersect in any way. Project of Spinefish has the own, knowable person and plenty of interesting ideas by reason of which, frequently, writtenin materials a few sound heterogeneously, and under the name of Spinefish one valuable album mini-CD and one twice-track single is writtenin already. General style of project is somewhere in area of trip-hop, darkwave and ambient, but, due to the irrepressible desire of George to bring in in gotic-style some new elements, all of it sounds very originally. The represented on compiling of track is taken from the CDR-release of «Fools Paradise» and will allow to the listener to familiarize with one of verges of creation of this interesting project.