Group of Taizels appeared in July, 1992. The ex-vocalist of the legendary Riga group became the organizer of project carte Blanche Dmitry "Mich" Ched. In the first composition musicians entered from different youths of the Riga groups: Vlad (guitar) – ex -"Dacota", Barmaley (shocks) – ex -"Dacota", Cat (bass) – ex -"Esli". Composition of group for all the time of existence did not change practically. In 95 the second guitarist emigrated to Canada, and by a year before a vocalist joined to the command – Pinochet (ex-"Phenix"). To it and sang play the guitar Ched. From 95th for 2007 year the second guitar in a group was played by Boa. From 2007 year of him changed Grin(ex-"О.P.R.F.Е."). For today composition of group following: Pinochet is a vocal; Green is a guitar; Чед is a guitar, бэк-vocal; A cat is bass; Barmaley are shocks, back-vocal. Lyric poetry and music – Ched. For 16 years of the existence a group wrote down three albums: Surrender, Tar and honey, Paris never, and also demo-album I will thaw as smoke. A group propagandizes hard rock-and-roll with the elements of hard-bugy.