Zband is the collective created in 1992 by young boys from Moscow. Two after years, a group produces a valuable debut album and begins actively to give concerts on the clubs of Moscow and Saint Petersburg. In 1998 a group halted active concerto activity. Going in 2006, Zband begins to prepare new material which underlies album of "Suffering of fat Man". An album must go out in October, 2009. However accessible valuable edition became on only Februaries, 3, 2010. Now does a group give concerts in Moscow and the nearest Moscow area and let out besides an album already two clips on songs "Moscow and "Who I such?".
Composition of group:
Rodion Beletckiy is a vocal Tihomirov Andrey is a guitar Mitruhin Peter is bass Sergey Soloviuv are drums Sergey Sokolov is guitar, vocal Paul Kotelkov is percussion