Зьміцер Вайцюшкевіч - 9 Октября 2011 - Музыкальный блог
Зьміцер Вайцюшкевіч (Dmitry Войтюшкевич) is the famous Byelorussian singer, clarinettist, guitarist, author of music and texts, leader of popular musical group of «WZ-Orkiestra». Borned in Berezovka (Republic Byelorussia) in 1971. Began as folk-musician in the groups of “Палац” (Dmitry was named by Федей) and Kriwi (changed Федя on Тодар). 2001 year is fate-crown (how the best musician of year). Divorces with a wife, abandons a group, collects the new collective of WZ-orkiestra (transition from a folk-rock to city romance). Participated in joint projects with other musicians («Я нарадзiўся тут», «Сьвяты вечар»)