A group was formed at the end of 2001 year by two participants of group Ocean of Sorrow. Dum-stage in Moscow suburb town Podol`sk never experienced times of bloom, the attempts to find musicians-like-minded persons for the "living" rehearsals therefore undertaken during a few years were not crowned by success. Nevertheless, exactly greater part of material, entering on a debut album "Marble Tones of the Despair" let out on label Solitude Productions, is written with musicians in this period. Musicians do not position it style as absolute doom-death metal, from large temporal variation in writing of different compositions: material turned out very diverse. On September, 11, 2010 on label Solitude Productions saw the elephant new, third on the account of studio-album group, getting the name "Emanation of Hatred". Musicians wanted to do this album more hard, aggressive, dynamic, with more various vocal constituent, that at them with success and turned out.
Project ОБЛОМОК УНИТАЗА is founded by Akatov (Schemer) Eugen in 2004 in Moscow, Anton Vagin joined hardly later (Mare). On style this represents by itself punk with the elements of advance-guard. Apparently, will take place further transformation of style. A few albums are writtenin, also is to the bad mother of bootlegg , kept, as a rule, at Mare. ОУ is first and while unique from the projects of home studio кВ-36 (1999-п.с.д.), which gives public concerts .
Extreme NoiseGrind project. It is composed under action of overdue curd. Musical instruments: Guitar of ESP M-400, Drums, Bottle from under beers Dirty socks. Music is written down on the underground studio of «3,14çäåö records». In general all that I do, this nothing else than attempt to do something spiteful and wild (Possibly one of most wild in our country).
Group of ВУДУЪ (voodoo) is the collective of space-pilots, eco-futurists, thinkers. It was founded by Victor Gnedoy (Ruslan) during the first venusian landing for maintenance of competitive spirit of piones. Space-pilot Vinogradov А.К (Eugen) passed military service in Mongolia, met with the representatives of local intelligentsia, is under the strong influencing of alien forms of life. Space-pilot Akulov Arseniy (Stepich) came forward together with the groups of the Russian fate: Saint Petersburg In. Рекшана, Saint Petersburg In. Рекшана, Saint Petersburg In. Рекшана, Чувакопакла, ВаХра and other It is junior in vehicle - Королевич Алисей(Елисей). He is often seen with В.Цоем. They converse for hours. Some adds a mystic aspect to the group, but this aspect is not present. Sometimes is the form of life co-operates 18.786 qw 56(Max), which for a short time is stabilized only only on a short period. His time is fine from time of Earth.
«Vitamin U» it is fate-group. From 1995 year in the flow 7 years from the day of foundation a group conducted active activity. Rode on TV-surveys to Moscow, played on the Palace area, sounded on radio «Maximum» and other, other. But then, in 2002 business adopted an unexpected turn, and activity of group was halted. To 2007 year «Vitamin U» it was quiet. But, after a 5-years-old interruption a group began to be «reanimated»: In January on label «S.o.M.» («Soul of metal») single went out, which got good reviews in a press. His presentation passed in February: 09.02 Saint Petersburg, club of «Орландина», 23.02 Volhov, ВГДЦ, In July at musicians takes an interview magazine the «Petersburg musician», similarly a group plays on the air field of Сиверецы, where played head-liners is group «Alice». Presently the prosecution boils of album which will go out on label «S.o.M.» («Soul of metal»). Exemplary date of release - on October, 1.
Велимор is combination of folk-metal with brightly expressed sopilka and raw and a little primitive black-metal. Group of Велимор was created in 2000 in town of the Северо-Задонск Tula region. In 2001 the cassette demo-release of "Руян" was let out. In 2004 on Stellar Winter Records CD is published "In glory of Family". In 2005 on that label went out CD "Legacy". In 2006 CD-сплит went out jointly with the Ukrainian group of "Крода" - "Hammer to Spirit That Єдністю Крові ". He was published with participation of two labels - Ukrainian Ancient Nation & Russian Stellar Winter. To the disk the fullcolor 24-page booklet designed to one of the best designers of genre is added.
Velzevul МС is rap performer creation of which represents the synthesis of battle-rap and black-metal. The basic themes of lyric poetry of Velzevul MC are is glorification of aryan race satan and heathen gods, hatred to hip-hop in his existent kind.
Alexander and Grigory Lapenkovi graduating students of the institute of arts of Chelyabinsk, ex -musician the "Indian summer". The first concert of "B.L" took place in 1994 г in a fate-center "Sphinx" of Yekaterinburg. After a year musicians became the winners of festival "Ural-fate 1995". 1995-1997 year a group rode with tours in Hungary, Slovenia, Czekh, Poland, Italy, France and Germany. High estimation, to bright and interesting music of band, was given even by fate-masters from the groups of "Nazareth " and "Uriah Heep", at which musicians played on a "warming-up".В this moment of "B.L" is engaged in a solo project in an own studio, and similarly co-operate with different musicians
Бранимир is young fate-bard from Volgograd. Began creative activity in 1997th. For the past years creation suffered a lot of different metamorphoses and became more "merry and frightful". Бранимир is oriented on public loving and valuing the Russian poetic and noncommercial fate. In his creation the ideological-aesthetic orientation is brightly traced on poetic (text) tradition of the Russian fate. Also present variety of genres Бранимир works in which, is anti-reggae, folk, existential ballads anticlerical cynical chanson.
The "musical group of "БОТАНIКА" is formed in 2000. The leader of group and author of most songs is Borovlev (Tihon) Eduard, similarly Evdokimov Alexander is the author of row of songs. Got a fame due to a song "Under Lugansk borned..." included in sound track to the film of Bumer
Albums: 2003 - Gardens of Semiramida 2003 - Smothered fellow with kisses (the shortened variant is "Gardens of Semiramida") 2005 - Matany 2008 - Kazbek of cigarettes